Episode 16: The Mindful Wellness Journey Dr. Peggy Gleason's Guest Spot on the Possibility Action Network with Dr. Stephen Middleton

Episode 16: The Mindful Wellness Journey Dr. Peggy Gleason's Guest Spot on the Possibility Action Network with Dr. Stephen Middleton

September 10, 20243 min read

Welcome back to another episode of the Professional Woman's Wellness Podcas!

Today I wanted to share my interview on the Dr. Stephen Middleton, a.k.a. Possibility Man's podcast,

From working as a critical care nurse to becoming a true pioneer in integrative health and wellness, Dr. Peggy has devoted her life to helping women live healthier, more balanced lives. Trust me, you’re going to want to stick around for this one.

Key Topics:

Dr. Peggy’s Journey to Wellness:

  • Dr. Peggy gets personal about her path from nursing to natural health. Her journey started at home, growing up in a family where caregiving was second nature.

  • "I was the youngest of six, and my brother had Down syndrome, so I learned early on that caring for others was just part of who I was."

From Fine Art Dreams to Healthcare Reality:

  • Believe it or not, Dr. Peggy once thought she’d be an artist, but life had other plans.

  • "Art was my first love, but when I told my dad, he said, 'Artists are all drug addicts!' So, I ended up in healthcare… and never looked back."

What True Wellness Looks Like:

  • Dr. Peggy drops some serious knowledge about what it means to be truly well, and it’s so much more than just physical health.

  • "Wellness is balance—it’s about how you move, how you feel, how you eat, and even how you relate to the world around you."

The Root Cause of Chronic Illness:

  • After decades in critical care, Dr. Peggy saw firsthand that simply treating symptoms wasn’t cutting it for her patients. She’s all about getting to the root cause.

  • "In the hospital, we were just putting band-aids on things. People would leave with meds, but no real solutions. That’s when I knew there had to be a better way."

Your Relationship with Food:

  • Dr. Peggy talks about emotional eating and how slowing down and being mindful can transform your relationship with food.

  • "We don’t realize it, but how we eat is just as important as what we eat. When you slow down, you actually listen to your body and change those patterns."

Favorite Quotes:

  • "You’re not broken. You are perfect as you are. You have everything inside you to live a good, resourceful life."

  • "Wellness isn’t just about the body. It’s about how you feel, eat, move, and even how you relate to others."

Special Offer:

Are you ready to finally love your body and break free from food guilt?

Take this quick quiz and unlock a 30-minute 1:1 consultation with me to get personalized strategies for loving your body and improving your eating habits!"


Thanks so much for tuning in to this episode with Dr. Peggy Gleason!

Her wisdom on integrating mind, body, and spirit into a balanced wellness journey is pure gold.

Make sure to subscribe to catch more meaningful conversations and practical tips to level up your health and happiness.

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Dr. Peggy Gleason

Dr. Peggy Gleason, owner of Professional Woman's Wellness, holds coaching certifications in Integrative Wellness, Psychology of Eating, and Nutrition. As a Doctor of Natural Health and with her extensive experience as a Registered Nurse, Peggy brings a unique blend of expertise to empower busy Professional Women towards total well-being. She helps her clients transform their relationship with food, shed excess weight, and boost self-confidence through conscious eating, allowing them to thrive in every aspect of life. Her holistic approach and specialized knowledge make her a compassionate and effective coach, guiding individuals on their transformative journey to a healthier and more fulfilling life.

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